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The First Beast in Revelation 13

Emperor CosntantineHow is the first beast related to the name of blasphemy? Is there an intimate relation between the first beast and the second beast, which are described in Revelation 13? How about the second beast? Is it likewise related to the name of blasphemy?

Well, Catholics, Orthodox believers and Christians may not be aware of their connections. But if  these issues are studied deeper, it will consequently result in their getting out of their belief system. It is because they will realize that they are serving and worshipping the second beast. It is however almost impossible for them to know the truth because of their strong delusions to believe in a lie, as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

The relation of the first beast to the name of blasphemy is stated in Revelation 31:1. It states:

13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.


What’s in a blasphemous name?

Dragon fruitPeople say “what’s in a name?” to imply that name does not matter. Also, William Shakespeare (Wikipedia) has his own version “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet“, which “is a popular reference to his play Romeo and Juliet, in which Juliet seems to argue that it does not matter that Romeo is from her family’s rival house of Montague, that is, that he is named “Montague”. The reference is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are. This formulation is, however, a paraphrase of Shakespeare’s actual language. Juliet compares Romeo to a rose saying that if he were not named Romeo he would still be handsome and be Juliet’s love. This states that if he were not Romeo, then he would not be a Montague and she would be able to get married with no problem at all.”

How about if dragon fruit flower is named rose? Will name not matters? Good, if the dragon fruit flower smell  as sweet as rose, assuming that rose is still smelling sweet. Also, why is there ‘blasphemous name‘ in Revelation 13:1, if name does not really matter?

Simply put therefore, there are at least two (2) kinds of believers, to wit; 1) believers of Juliet or in a ‘rose’ or Shakespearean doctrine and 2) believers of the words in the Book of Revelation. (more…)