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Religious Deception in General

One significant aspect of religious deception is  that once you become a victim of it, everything maybe lost. It is because you become  an enemy and substantially separated from God.

Religious deception can be seen even through a circular glass roof.

Religious deception can be seen through a circular glass roof. http://www.wordatthenet.com.

Anytime, you are a target of a curse-the destruction through calamities, e.g earthquake, typhoons, diseases, wars, and famine.

On the part of the deceiver, his success is not only measured by monetary value, which is merely incidental, but, more spiritually appreciated by God’s enemy, of having deprived the victim of the spiritual “truth”.

Unfortunately, majority of these victims do not feel as a victim and may even protect the deceiver. Because, the latter appears to be cloth with authority having  achieved it through substantial years of studies, thus, given publicly the privilege as a bearer of truth.

That’s why, they seem to be publicly blameless and saintly. But deeply, when facts, e.g, (more…)

Search for truth

As a precautionary measure, the search for truth is required to address the issue on religious deception, which is inversely related to individual’s rights of freedom to choose. In turn, this freedom  requires “truth” as a necessity.

If interested, truth maybe seen even through concrete roof.

If interested, truth maybe seen even through concrete roof. http://www.wordatthenet.com

The less effective the exercise of freedom, e.g due to ignorance, religious arrogance, “untruthful” information, opportunism, disinterest, tradition, etc., the more the enslavement by religious deception.

Its detection will not only need looking at the “truth” but would need individual’s personal commitment to study and correct one’s belief system, without which, the “truth”, despite of its  abundance, would be futile and worthless.

Even in calamities, religious deception is present. A religious  sector may act as a representative of God by substantially promoting “God is Love” but at the same time continues to promote things that God hates, which are the root causes of calamities. 

This kind of approach by the deceivers is (more…)