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Procreation and Forbidden Meat

Before proceeding to the articles on application of the rules on human procreation stated in Genesis  9:1-7, we will review first and try to have a concluding sub-topic on forbidden meat, otherwise known as Eating Meat with Blood Still in it“.

Eagle's eyes are focused on forbidden meat

Eagle’s eyes are focused on forbidden meat. http://www.wordatthenet.com

In the first topic, “What is it” readers were introduced to five major and five minor elements of Genesis 9:1-7 verses 1-7, to wit;

1. General statement- Taking a human life is punishable. (Verses 5 and 6).

  • If the one taking a human life is an animal, God will punish the animal with death. (Verse 5)
  • If the one  taking is a human being, then God permitted other human being to kill him. (Verse 6)
  • There is distinction on the procedure of punishment between human beings and animals. (Verse 5 and 6)

2. Human beings are superior to animals.(Verse 2)

Procreation Statements in Prohibited Meat

What is the significance of the opening and closing procreation statements in prohibited meat? And what are these opening and closing procreation statements? Merriam-Webster dictionary  defines “procreate” as “to produce children or offspring”.

He is not procreating, he is just visiting the Taoist Temple.

He is not procreating, he is just visiting the Taoist Temple. http://www.wordatthenet.com

As an example of the word, it cites “procreate” for animals, as follows: “animals have a natural instinct to procreate”.

To look into the operational definition of The Word on “procreate”, we will review some verses in the “Word” to have a comprehensive and full understanding of the word “procreate”.

This is to understand how to apply the word in human beings and animals. And whether or not the definition and example given by Merriam-Webster dictionary is comprehensive enough.

The “Word” states as follows:

For animals:

15 God said to Noah, 16 “Go out of the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. 17 Take all the birds and animals out with you, so that they may reproduce and spread over all the earth.” 18 So Noah went out of the boat with his wife, his sons, and their wives. 19 All the animals and birds went out of the boat in groups of their own kind. (Genesis 8:15, TEV).

In God’s Word, is there any prohibition/condition pertaining to the act to procreate for animals and birds? None.

For Human Beings:

9 God blessed Noah and his sons and said, “Have (more…)