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Same-sex marriage violates real human rights

After misusing and/or abusing the normal use of some parts of their own body and/or body of another person, are  Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders (LGBTs) entitled to invoke their alleged human rights to legally fight for same-sex marriage? Or are they guilty of violating the real human rights, in the first place?

Mayon Volcano

Active Mayon Volcano

Before settling the raised issues, let us try discussing rights in general and human rights in particular.

What are rights?

Wikipedia discusses rights as follows:

“Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.[1] Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology. (more…)

Same-sex marriage is unconstitutional

The unconstitutionality of same-sex marriage becomes obvious, if the society understands ‘what is sex’, ‘what is  marriage,’ what is a constitution’ and ‘how the latter was adopted by different nations to govern their respective national behaviors’. Specifically, same-sex proponents are invoking their alleged constitutional rights but forgetting the fact that the ‘types of sex and marriage’ they are promoting are not within the ambit of the present constitutions.


The banana republic and same-sex marriage

In fact, same-sex marriage is a misnomer or a misplaced terminology or ideology. In short, same-sex marriage, which is even bereft of any sexual basis, is grossly unconstitutional.

Also, the term is not only misplaced but also promoting the biblically prohibited ‘oral sex‘ (Genesis 9:4).

Further, it is possible that same-sex advocates will be just be finally found to be spiritually and psychologically confused of their aberrant nature, which can still be helped by society not by making their aberrant proposition as constitutionally valid but by way of advise, either psychological, medical or spiritual.

Above are without prejudice to discovery of treatments that may be published later by theologians, physiologists, researchers and scientists ‘to treat  the said aberrant behavior’.

Furthermore, if same-sex proponents insist on their proposition, they should be logically required to adopt and pass their own constitution to make their oral or anal sex appearing constitutional. (more…)