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Same-sex marriage violates real human rights

After misusing and/or abusing the normal use of some parts of their own body and/or body of another person, are  Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders (LGBTs) entitled to invoke their alleged human rights to legally fight for same-sex marriage? Or are they guilty of violating the real human rights, in the first place?

Mayon Volcano

Active Mayon Volcano

Before settling the raised issues, let us try discussing rights in general and human rights in particular.

What are rights?

Wikipedia discusses rights as follows:

“Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.[1] Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology. (more…)

‘Human rights’ and ‘women’s rights’: Are they real?

Today’s generation is bombarded with popular terms such as human rights and women’s rights. For example, recently, Philippines has been bombarded by the ‘slam’ report of human rights monitors concerning Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte’s threat to kill a smuggler.

A facade of a building is like human and women's rights seen externally to be beneficial but can't be used as a shelter.

A facade of a building is like human and women’s rights seen externally to be beneficial but can’t be used as a shelter.http://www.wordatthenet.com

On the other hand, there are reports concerning Reproductive Health Law being pursued to be implemented despite  its constitutionality is being questioned before the Philippine Supreme Court.

Both invoked the words “human rights” and additionally “women’s rights” for Reproductive Health Law. Also, in the case of same-sex marriage, the same rights are being invoked.

But in reality, is there such kind of rights? Or are they only delusional? Or are they actually wrongs?

Let us try testing this counter-argument to the present beliefs, if these rights are actually in existence.

First premise:  These rights are not being invoked for other purposes, except in relation to the use of a human body. For example, we say human rights violation when someone is abusing someone’s body, either physically, psychologically, sexually, etc. or all of the above or killing that body outside the available judicial processes. If you abuse a woman physically, sexually or psychological, you could be accused of violation of women’s rights.

On the other hand, in worst cases, one may abuse his own body through legal process, e,g euthanasia, which is allowed in some jurisdictions. Or in the case of reproductive health law, the decision to have a child or impair one’s capability to reproduce  is  dependent on the couple concerned by using contraceptives. (more…)

Search for truth

As a precautionary measure, the search for truth is required to address the issue on religious deception, which is inversely related to individual’s rights of freedom to choose. In turn, this freedom  requires “truth” as a necessity.

If interested, truth maybe seen even through concrete roof.

If interested, truth maybe seen even through concrete roof. http://www.wordatthenet.com

The less effective the exercise of freedom, e.g due to ignorance, religious arrogance, “untruthful” information, opportunism, disinterest, tradition, etc., the more the enslavement by religious deception.

Its detection will not only need looking at the “truth” but would need individual’s personal commitment to study and correct one’s belief system, without which, the “truth”, despite of its  abundance, would be futile and worthless.

Even in calamities, religious deception is present. A religious  sector may act as a representative of God by substantially promoting “God is Love” but at the same time continues to promote things that God hates, which are the root causes of calamities. 

This kind of approach by the deceivers is (more…)