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‘True Christians’, prepare for firestorms

Last May18,2014, the publisher dreamed of a scenario of a widespread firestorm that is preceded by rain. Based on experience,  his dream comes to reality in three weeks or three months or three years time or sometime later or not at all.

Halo around the sun

What is a halo around the sun? This consists of fire from the sun with sunlight passing through the ice in the cloud, http://www.wordatthenet.com

In his dream, he was made to understand that underground facilities are good for the family’s protection.

However, assuming that the family is protected underground, the burned surroundings will have very tremendous adverse effects on survivors in terms of foods and nutrition.

Survivors may be  choosing to die than live thereafter.

What is the possibility of firestorm?

Once developed, firestorm is less likely be controlled. However, basing on Exodus 14:19 concerning Israelite slaves led by Moses, who were pursued by Egyptians, the cloud between the two camps turned into fire, which separated them, with the Egyptians in darkness, at the same time, the same fire enlightened Israelis.

The fire had protected the Israelis from Egyptians as the latter were not able to approach the slaves because of it. This is before Israelis passed the Red sea, where water was divided and passage was turned into dry land.

Notice that this type of fire from cloud is under control and can not be ordinarily explained by science due to its timing and the surrounding circumstances of protecting the Israelis, making it impossible to connect it to uncontrollable firestorms (more…)