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Mafia excommunication by Pope is not helpful

Mafia members were recently excommunicated by Pope Francis. Is it nice and spiritually healthy? How about excommunicating also the pedophile priests and all Roman Catholics who kneel before the cross and other Roman Catholic idols? Because if the violent acts of Mafia members are primarily directed against their fellowmen, which is disobedience to the words of God, ‘oral sex’ mentality or pedophilia of catholic priests and idolatry of Roman Catholics are acts that are primarily  directed against God.

Cross sign

Source: John Hagee Ministries Facebook page. Notice that cross idolatry using the name of Christ is prevalent also among Christian sects as shown in John Hagee Ministries Facebook page, which is a proof of evil deception that substantial numbers of Christians are not aware of. http:www.wordatthenet.com

In other words, Mafia’s acts of violence and pedophilia and idolatry in Roman Catholicism are both against the words of God with the latter being worst than the former considering the intention and recipient of the acts.

Notably, idolatry is forbidden in the scripture, which states among others, as follows:

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.(Exodus 20:4, English Standard Version).

8I alone am the Lord your God. No other god may share my glory, I will not let idols share my phrase. (Isaiah 42:8, TEV)

8The Lord punished his people by sending them into exile. He took them away with a cruel wind from the east. 9But Israel’s sin will be forgiven only when the stones of pagan altars are ground up like chalk, and no more incense altars or symbols of goddess Asherah are left. (Isaiah 27:8-9, TEV)

Also, note that the cross, statues and images of alleged Mother Mary, Christ and the saints, including rosary beads and strings (more…)